Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What’s my mission?

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Somehow, everyone has their own place, in the grand picture of the universe. No two people are alike. Our sages tell us, “In the same way there are no two faces alike, there are no two people who think alike.” Everyone is unique, and every one, serves an exclusive purpose, in the grand scheme of things.

For someone to be fulfilled, they must sooner or later figure out how
they fit in, as one, with the rest of the picture. No one can or should
ever, treat his life like a free radical. If a person lives a selfish
life, revolving only around themselves, if that is their end goal, they
will end up a problem for themselves and anyone around them. Just like
a free-radical atom.

How can a person figure out, or get some kind of idea, of their unique
twist, that connects them with their own purpose? With the unique
mission and purpose, G-d had in mind, when giving them the great gift
of life.

When the Land of Israel was distributed to the 12 tribes, the
commandment was that it should be divided, “to the larger tribes, a
greater portion should be given, and to the smaller tribes a smaller
portion should be given.” Sounds sensible. However, the Bible also
tells us, “ ONLY, by lots, the land should be divided.”

The Talmud describes the miraculous nature of these lots, and the
messages that where received through the breastplate of the high
priest, that directed them, which tribe, to give what piece of land.
Totally, above rational thinking. A complete surrender to G-d, higher
than nature!

We know, the reason why the people of Israel where commanded to dole
out the land in this supra-rational way, is because spiritually, each
person in his own life, wherever he or she may be , is allocated a
portion of the universe, to work and cultivate spirituality, in a
similar fashion.

The foundation to life and to serving G-d is always obedience. G-d,
also endowed us with a mind, and we are commanded to use it, in our
service of G-d. How do the two go hand in hand.

The Talmud describes certain sages who felt drawn by their character
and or circumstances to the practice of certain commandments, more than
others. They felt a certain powerful personal attachment and
connection, a certain enjoyment in doing certain commands over other

This attraction and allure, the Talmud explains, is implanted by G-d in
a way that supersedes any explanation. Spiritually, it is through this
particular practice, which a person feels drawn to, that their entire
connection to G-d is manifested. Like a child, who through one
particular extraordinary deed, realizes his entire bond with his

Sometimes, a person may notice, every time they have a good intention
to do something positive or make an effort to perform this one
particular observance, they encounter the most difficulty and hardships
to carry it out. This, is a sign from heaven. Taking control over this
issue is so critically important, to this person, therefore he is
finding it most difficult to carry it out.

It is only, because the prize is so great at the end, that the effort
and price to pay, to reach this goal is so difficult. Even if the
person can not see, or understand outwardly, the connection. These
hardships, are the greatest proof, that this is what would mean most
for this person, if and when this deed is achieved.

When a person applies himself in joy, to the task, even though he
doesn’t understand why, but only because of his faith, that this is
certainly from G-d “for my good”, his eyes will become focused to see
the connection, and eventually he will come to see and understand, how
this commitment was exactly what was necessary, for his happiness in
his life.

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