Thursday, May 8, 2014

The way up to the Holy of Holies.

The Bible tells us, life is a journey. Starts, when we are born, and shifts when we leave this world. G-d commanded us to build a sanctuary so He could dwell in our midst. According to the Bible, G-ds glory filled the whole world before it was created. G-d so to say, contracted Himself in order to make room for this materialistic world which conceals G-dliness, so that we humans introduce Him back into the world. Sounds almost like a game. It’s G-ds game, and we are the players in it.

This sanctuary G-d commanded us to make in the wilderness of our lives, was constructed from the contributions of the people’s possessions, 15 products in all. Gold, silver, copper, wood, precious stones, skins, wool, linen, etc… People who want bigger and deeper lives, are expected to take what appears as their hard earned wealth, and consecrate it to a higher and greater cause than mere selfish gratifications.

The sanctuary had different levels of Holiness beginning from the immediate area surrounding this sanctuary, leading all the way up to the Holy of Holies, where incredible, phenomenal miracles, took place on a regular basis.

In the courtyard of the sanctuary there was a wash basin. This served as the first concrete step on the mount, in ones ascent to Holiness. The wash basin literally, and in each individual person, serves as the transference from the worldly and mundane pursuits, to a more holy directed path. When a person realizes the transient nature of all that is in this physical world, and finally directs his interests towards a more meaningful and eternal existence, the first step, is to wash oneself from all the spiritual dirt that has attached itself to one’s body. Mentally, emotionally, physically, to clean away all that drags a person in the direction of vanity and narcissism.

Now, the person was acceptable to offer a sacrifice on the altar. The offering of an animal included the sprinkling of the blood and the offering of the animals’ fat. Slaughtering an animal meant draining its’ blood out. Blood is the warmth and the life of the animal. As long as the animal within, is fed and kept alive, there is no offering. Only when the animal is made lifeless and cold by drawing out its’ blood and further dedicating that too, on the altar of G-dliness, is this step fulfilled. The fat of the animal represents the pleasure of the animalistic drives which requires redirection towards more transcendent and spiritual goals.

Once a person disengages and detaches himself from the world owning and controlling him, and he is focused on holiness, the next steps forward was into the grand hall, where the incense altar, the menorah candelabra, and the show bread table were found.  These three articles where entirely in the spiritual domain of holiness.

The incense altar was this profound connection with G-d, which created a beautiful aroma, when the last remnants and residues of anything bad within the person, is elevated on the golden altar. The menorah was the act of spreading light and G-dliness into the world. When a person studies the Torah, G-ds wisdom, and through his study unites with G-ds wisdom, he becomes a conduit to channel new light into the world.  The bread table represents the absorption of this knowledge into one’s life, and the person shines in all his deeds.

The Holy Of Holies, where the greatest miracles in one’s life take place, is the highest one can reach and still remain human. This is reached through the sacrifice of the self in the worship of prayer, as a servant petitions and beseeches his master.

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