Friday, January 16, 2015

Seeing More Accurately Depends on...

And I will take you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians (Ex.6:6)

It is far easier to physically take them out of exile, than it is to remove the inner psychological and emotional bonds of slavery, from within each one of them. (Rabbi Yaakov Shimshon of Shpitovka)

Social psychologists tell us, that what we see is many times not exactly what really is! That can and will affect us for the good or for the opposite. That’s because the objective physical imagery we see, is always tainted and filtered through our expectations and previous life experiences. So, it is possible two or more people will see one real life imagery, and three different accounts from the experience will emerge. Each one is being honest to their recollection, as they saw it.

One will see it bigger or smaller, farther or closer etc. One will be more accurate regarding the periphery items and one will be more accurate with the item being focused on, and all have the same intelligence and seeing ability.

While the Torah-Bible conserves its letters and words to the extreme, to the point that entire sets of rules are understood and extrapolated from just one word or letter there, or not there, in the Bible, the Zohar- book of mysticism tells us, in the Bible, the exodus from Egypt is mentioned fifty times!

Remembering, understanding and reaching our own personal freedom from inner slavery, is a cardinal principle in serving G-d and being spiritual and being blessed.

One of the main concentrations we are instructed to have when putting on the Tefillin every morning, (black prayer boxes) is that “we remember the miracles and wonders G-d has done for us, specifically the exodus from Egypt…which demonstrate His unity, power, and dominion, to do as he pleases in the higher and in the lower …  and by putting on Tefillin we are mindful of the Creator and restrict our pleasures”.

The Talmud discusses the great personal strength and power over our internal and external enemies one is connected with, when wearing and donning the Tefillin every day. The sages are quick to point out, the real power comes when the putting on of the Tefillin   includes the mindfulness of the above meditation, which explains why the Bible tells us to put the Tefillin exactly where it does.

We place the Tefillin “between our eyes” on top of our head just before the hairline, over the primate “thinking” brain. Why then does the Torah command us to place them as a reminder, “between our eyes” when they are actually placed over our brain?

G-d recognizes this very important truth. Perception is subjective and depends greatly on how we feed our mind.  If there is any chance to free ourselves from our natural inner inhibitions, the need for immediate gratification and lusts of the reptilian “Instinctive” brain, upon which we place the knot and straps of the Tefillin, we must elevate and lift ourselves from the bottom of the head to the power placed inside the top of our thinking heads.

These thoughts at the top of the head together with the special design of these black boxes on top of the brain, influence our interpretation of what we see. This leadership, influences and flows to the knot over the older “out of control” reptilian brain.

Moses was the leader who took and led the people out of bondage and personal slavery. Moses represents humility and wisdom. When we instill an awareness in ourselves, through the act and help of G-ds commandment of placing the Tefillin on our thinking cap, that we depend on G-ds good grace for everything, and it is He, who is ultimately in control of everything, and this goes “into” our head , our eyes will see more accurately and more spiritual.  Our interpretations of life become more connected, and we muster the strength to become in control of our natural self-destructive tendencies.

Fear, anxiety, emotional weaknesses melt away.

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