The Bible tells us; "stay FAR from falsehood".

There is no other transgression that is written in such an urgent manner. Even when it comes to forbidden relationships, the Bible says, “Don’t come “close” to transgressing.….Here however, the expression is to stay FAR ….

Our sages explain that we should not say, or do, anything that is even remotely untrue. The Sefer Hachinuch published in 13th century Spain, which discusses all 613 commandments, says, there is nothing more despicable than lies and deceit. Blessings rest only on those things that are compatible and similar to G-d whose signature is, TRUTH. Just as G-d is merciful, kind, and a G-d of truth, so too, when people act in mercy and in kindness and are truthful, they will automatically become vessels for peace, happiness and strength in their lives, the qualities of G-d. And the opposite is also true….

The Talmud relates, there was a city by the name of Kushta – Truth, where nobody ever died before their time.

The question is asked. What is the connection between being truthful and living a full life? And the answer is. When a person is born, G-d announces how long the person will live. However, when a person doesn’t keep his own promises, lies, and doesn’t tell the truth, G-d deals with the person in that exact same measure and is not bound by His own commitment, to the years promised.

The Talmud supports this principle with the following story.

Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Levi was approached by the Angel of death who offered him a wish. Rabbi Yehoshua said to the Angel. Please show me my spot in the world to come before you actually take my life. When the Angel showed him his spot, Rabbi Yehoshua jumped into his spot and made an oath that he wouldn’t leave.

The Angel of death asked G-d what to do. G-d told the Angel. If the Rabbi had ever in his life made a vow and had it annulled, then this vow too could be annulled… but if not …. He would stay in heaven … alive! And the angel of death would be unable to kill him!

[Which, in fact, is what happened! Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi’s vow was upheld and he is listed along with Elijah the Prophet and several others (Moshiach is another one) that physically entered heaven and never tasted death.]

The Talmud says, there are four groups of people who will come to Heaven, as mostly everyone does, and will never get to see the face of the Divine Presence!! (something not said, even regarding some of the worse transgressions!!)

They will be ushered into the Palace and unlike the righteous “who sit with their crowns on their head and bask in the glory of the Divine Presence” these people will not.
“Those who flatter others – those who lie – those who speak evil talk -and those who scoff at everything holy.”

Our sages explain the common denominator, is that all four types are based on the bad practice of lies and falsehood.

Flatterers don’t mean a word of what they are saying. It’s only being said to accomplish their objectives. Liars are self-evident. People talk bad about others only to lift their own status in the minds of those listening, otherwise they would never say what they are saying. And scoffers, create a negative impression of the words and the world of truth. Both create a false impression of reality, an illusion, misconception, and deception of the truth. One regarding others, and one regarding everything that is holy.

The Talmud says a story. Once there was a Rabbi whose wife always did the opposite of what he asked. The son, who wanted to avoid problems in the house, would change what his father requested, so his mother would end up doing the opposite just as the father really wanted.

When the father figured it out, he told his son. Although one is allowed to bend the truth for the sake of peace, that is only once in a while in rare instances. To be changing my requests regularly to your mother for my sake is accustoming you to lie, “teaching your tongue to utter falsehood”, and that is dangerous and wrong.

The prophet Zachariah says. “So said the Lord of Hosts: Old men and women shall yet sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each man with his staff in his hand because of old age”. In the city of truth – Jerusalem, when Truth will be restored “from the ground”, the very natural consequence will be, the long life of the elders, good health and happiness for everyone. May that day come very soon, in the merit of our truthful and honest behavior in these days.