Thursday, May 4, 2017

Everyone, at this present moment, has their greatest opportunities, in the now.

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Knowledge is Power -- G-dly Knowledge is super Power.

It was one year after the High Holiday prayers and a Hasidic Rebbe from Poland, Rabbi Jacob Isaac Horowitz, known as The Seer of Lublin, 1745 - August 15, 1815 -- told his students, he knew exactly what each one asked for in their prayers, and the answer Heaven responded to them.
One of the students, challenged the Rabbi to tell him what his private prayers were.  
Said the Holy man. “You requested from Heaven they provide at the beginning of the week all the finances necessary for the week, so you shouldn’t be burdened and consumed with worries and anxiety all week long, which stand in the way of your worship and service to G-d.”
The Rabbi continued. “You even went on to make a deal with G-d that you are prepared to decrease your expenses by two golden coins, if the request was accepted.”
The student was humbled and impressed. “Wow, this is all very true. And what may I ask did they respond?”
Said the Rabbi. “As far as your readiness to accept two golden coins less a week, “Heaven was amused. Is there any lack in the treasures of the King? In addition,
As far as your gripe that your worries stand in the way of your service to G-d. What makes you so sure, G-d is interested and would prefer your study of Torah, your prayer, and your service to Him in peace and tranquility? Perhaps, G-d has greater satisfaction from your study and prayers when they come as a result of the effort and inner struggle you must make to concentrate, notwithstanding all the difficulties?”
Many of us make deals with G-d!
G-d can afford everything. As long as your intentions are sincere, don’t worry how G-d will provide.  “There are many emissaries to G-d.” He has a million and one ways, and then one more, to accomplish whatever it is.
Many of us think and feel, different circumstances would make things better. “This too is for the good.” “Everything, the Merciful one does is for the good.”
It is true we must judge by our human senses and pray accordingly. This is a great Mitzvah/good deed for ourselves. Hope and seeing a rosier future also plays a very important role. However, when it comes down to it, (at the end of the day :-) everyone at this present moment has their greatest opportunities, in the now. We must not be so preoccupied with the future that we forget the good intent and purpose G-d presents us with, in the current moment and situation.

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