Sunday, October 1, 2017

Good Resolution versus Bad Ones.

In the Talmud it is written, that when a person makes a positive G-dly resolution and for some unforeseen reason it did not materialize, G-d considers it, as done. When we make a resolution, the power of our mind is such that immediately the positive energy is drawn into the physical world as if the deed was done. The verse clearly states that even those who merely “think G-ds name…G-d listens and records.”

“Where a person mind is, that is where his soul is”. His life energy dwells there. Therefore, when a person makes a sincere decision to do something, he is already there and the deed was completed in the world of thought. When the resolution is sincere, all the faculties needed to accomplish the deed, were already drawn in the direction of his goal and commitment, and as far as the person is concerned, he already is there -- at the goal. As far as the physical world is concerned, sometimes G-d may have other plans.

When we say G-d considers and attaches the thought to the deed, this includes even those acts, which are presently over and above the capabilities of this individual. If the resolution is sincere with all of one's soul, G-d considers and attaches this thought to the performance of the deed -- meaning that the strength is given from G-d, and if necessary new channels are opened, to fulfill and reach this resolution.

This is true only for positive things, because inherently the nature of everyone is to do good. Thus, when a positive resolution is made, it is in harmony with one's G-dly good soul -- and the good thought is in synchronicity with the deepest parts of ones soul, the G-d within, to open if necessary whatever it takes in order to accomplish the deed. However, when one thinks evil, it is only on the exterior and does not come from deep inside, and isn’t in harmony with the universe which is good. Therefore, the person's bad thought is all alone and goes no further than the bad thought that it is.

In ancient Babylonia, a ruler made evil decrees, including that it was forbidden to fast and pray to G-d. The Rabbi of the time advised the people to decide that they would fast when it was possible, and the thought alone would help avert the decree from G-d.

In the book of Daniel the verse says, “From the time you (Daniel) understood and decided to benefit from the power of fasting, I (G-d) have heard your words.”

The code of Jewish law says that when a person is being pursued by an enemy and merely decides to fast in prayer, immediately this will help him.  The moment he thinks and still has not done any fasting, he receives the consideration as if he fasted.

Drawing from a verse, the Talmud says, when a person makes a bad resolution, G-d will at times, re-arrange circumstances so that his evil plan will not materialize. When a person however, makes a G-dly positive resolution, this can influence actual reality, and G-d will re-arrange matters, if necessary, so his resolution can be materialized.

Once the Holy master, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, asked a follower of his to pledge that he would print a certain collection of books. Since the follower had absolute faith in his G-dly teacher, he accepted, even though the cost was way beyond what he was able to afford. Not long after the pledge was made, an unexpected positive opportunity for this person arose which presented new channels of livelihood and suddenly enabled him to fulfill his pledge and become a wealthy man. 

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