When G-d gave the Ten Commandments, Moses was instructed to
convey G-ds message first to the women and only afterwards to the men.
According to the Midrash, G-d did not want a repetition of a
catastrophic mistake all over again. When the world was created the commandment
not to eat the forbidden fruit was conveyed only to Adam and as a result, Eve
was able to be persuaded and eat from the tree of good and bad. This time, G-d
said, I will include the women first and the Torah will have an eternal
In mysticism, male and female play very central and
fundamental roles. Both need each other and complement each other. One without
the other is incomplete and necessarily not able to accomplish.
The male, is the initiating power that generates the first
motion of action. Deprived of the receptacle and partner to develop the
tremendous potential in the details of this energy, it will disappear and be
wasted. Because spiritually the woman was not part of the original equation
when G-d conveyed the first commandment not to eat from the forbidden fruit
this instruction was disrupted and violated. It did not endure.
To understand on a very crude level the roles of male and
female the Talmud says the following. A male plows and seeds, threshes and
winnows. After all this work, the grain is still not able to be used or enjoyed
by humans. The woman takes the grain, grinds it down to flour, kneads the dough
and makes it into bread which can be enjoyed by everyone.
The distinguishing characteristic of the female quality as
opposed to the initiating of the male, is that the uniqueness in the female is
to receive, nurture, cultivate and develop. To make it useable and practical,
functional on the level of down to earth.
Since every person is a whole world unto themselves, these
two qualities are within each person on many different levels and in many
different areas.
A person is a composite of soul and body. The soul is where
it all begins. The soul is the male and giver. The body, receives and absorbs
this energy and channels the soul into a thinking brain and feet that go
places. The soul on its own, if it is not drawn into the physical realm of the
body accomplishes nothing. People can have an inspiration or a nice dream, and
it is meaningless if it isn’t drawn down into the world of action. A body without a soul and devoid of
inspiration will not get one very far.
On a more refined level and within the soul powers itself
there is male and female energies. The first spark of intellect, when the light
bulb of inspiration comes on, must be immediately and carefully taken to its
next step known as Binah – understanding, to dissect and develop the
inspiration into a cogent concept.
That is why in mysticism the first step of intellect is
known as father- Chochma, which literally means the power of something, still
not fully appreciated. The second step in the process of intellect is known as
mother-Binah, which means understanding. Developing the first spark of
inspiration into something more cogent, logical and rational.
When G-d presented the Ten Commandments to the world, for
the first time ever there became the possibility for a more revealed and open
connection between spirituality and this physical world. Both dynamics male and
female were in full swing.
When doing what G-d instructs, we are able to infuse the
actual physical existence with the qualities of G-dliness itself.
When a person is inspired with a genius thought, in order to
benefit from this moment he must immediately grab the inspiration. In the same
way, when G-d presented His G-dly wisdom and energy to the world and we act on
this wisdom with our bodies this G-dly energy channels its way to enhance our
lives with great meaning and blessings.