Thursday, February 17, 2011

Complain or Being grateful.

Some people have this crazy idea, that if they complain all the time and show a sour face to everyone, somehow the world, or someone, will notice, and take pity on them, and grant them their desires and more of what they’re craving for. If G-d forbid, they appear grateful and thankful in their minds, they figure, people may make an error that all is good, and then they will miss out, if anything is ever given out.

Firstly, no one is giving anything out for nothing, so you can keep on waiting for a long time for that hand-out and in the interim you are living a miserable life. Secondly, who wants to be around sour people all the time.

Once during a holiday, this person had a terrible dream where his deceased teacher told him, that one of his children would pass away. Initially, he was very concerned and started to weep, but because it was a joyous Holiday, he forced himself to be happy and be thankful for all the good that G-d has done and continues to do. Later on, his Rebbe told him. “The joy you forced yourself to have, notwithstanding your fears, in heaven, this is what erased and removed the evil decree that was placed against you”.

The bible instructs us to be grateful and praise G-d for every breath that we are able to take. Recognize that every millisecond is a gift, and you are never guaranteed the next moment, and when you are granted this next moment, someone has just granted you a gift.

The book of mysticism tells us, heaven is a reflection of how we act and behave in this world. If a person is depressed, this triggers above, a hopelessness and despair towards the person. While, when a person is in a joyous mood, content with his lot, in whatever situation he finds himself to be in, this actually improves his situation that things should become improved and truly better. G-d is pleased and happy with this person.

This is true even before the person realizes the ultimate good that they are hoping for. When a person speaks and acts in a way of joy, acceptance, and happiness, this actually improves the situation that it should and will, become so.

There is no reason for a person to create and innovate grounds, and rationale for the negative, because this can be a reason why the good will actually not happen.

There was a great teacher - the preacher of Mezritch, and every time he came up with a new thought to explain his studies, he would immediately bring it out in speech. He appreciated this law, that by bringing his thoughts into physical speech, they would be no more ephemeral in the world of thoughts, and by speaking out his words, this would draw the thoughts into this physical world. This rule also applies for the negative. When a person verbalizes his negative thoughts, this draws down and makes the thoughts that where in a spiritual and transient world, a faster reality in this physical world.

Even thinking negative is harmful. We know this from the saying; think good and it will be good. Thinking, is the power of thought that initiates the first spark and the trigger that sets off and activates a new reality, good, or G-d forbid bad.

For those who feel they are not able to control their thoughts, the secret is to encloth and capture their thoughts in G-dly positive and upbeat reflection, especially those that emanate from the Bible like those that come from the book of Psalms – Kind David, the sweet singer.

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