Thursday, January 2, 2014

True freedom and happiness.

I am reading this book review on a recent published book which declares the grave mistake governments make that many times result in the deaths of millions of people and the loss of an equal or even greater amount of money. The author suggests that when governments make decisions based on ideologies rather than practical realities these are the expected results.

This fellow knows. If he were the supreme advisor of these governments, this author would surely save the world.

Another article I was reading lately. This past year, investors who took more of the traditional route to investing did better than all those who approach the market with complicated approaches like hedge funds and emerging markets.

So this fellow is smarter than everyone else. He figured it out.

Another article I was reading concluded after a very long scientific study in Miami, men behave remarkably different when in front of women. According to the article, this observation seemed to affect the men more than the women when they are both together.

Thousands of years ago, the Talmud explains to us the importance of separating men from women, at events when concentration is needed, more for the sake of the men than for the women!!

Here is my point.

The Bible commands us to free ourselves every day from internal bondage. Constraints and limitations that repress the infinite potential of the G-dly spark within. The Bible uses three different ways to describe the ultimate goal of the plagues G-d administered in Egypt and when true freedom will have been reached.

“That you will know that I am G-d.” “That you will know that I am G-d in the midst of the earth.” “ That you will know that there is no one else but G-d.”

Pharaoh and the force this represents within each person proclaims “I do not know G-d that I should heed his voice.” Bondage internally is when a person doesn’t see or appreciate the interaction that exists between himself, the world, and the infinite, miraculous, merciful G-d.

This person sees everything as a result of his own effort period. Everything needs to make sense in his mind or else its irrational and nonsensical. When a strategy is being designed for war, for money, for health of for anything, the smarter the person, the better the chance to be successful.

Well if that’s the case why are more and more studies concluding that having an advanced degree is no more a guarantee for success and happiness than not having the degree.

Why is it that the smart investors and economists many times don’t get. Weren’t they as smart when they failed as when they succeeded?

Someone who cultivates his faith daily, his life is a life worthy of its’ name. He spends the days of his existence in good, all the time. When things are good they are good and when it’s not going good to his understanding it’s also good, because he has faith and trust that G-d will have pity on him, and the good will soon show. If it all comes from the wise and compassionate G-d, it must be good, now.

In a small town they all gathered to pray for rain. Only one guy brought his umbrella – faith.

When a child is thrown up in the air and he laughs and enjoys every moment because he knows someone will catch him, this is trust.

Every night before we go to sleep we put on the alarm clock even though no one guaranteed the next day, this is hope.

Knowing that there is a G-d in the midst of the earth, and there is nothing else, is the key to eternal freedom and happiness.

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