Friday, October 24, 2014

The Deceiving media and saving the world.

In this week’s Torah portion G-d isn’t happy with the world and the bad choices people are making so G-d decides it’s clean up time. The only ones that are saved from this flood are Noah and his family. The Bible says, “Noah was a righteous man. He was “TOMIM” – perfect, in relation to his generation.”

In another place we have the same word TOMIM and it is translated differently. (Do not probe into the future, but) be TOMIM- simple hearted with G-d, your G-d.” Enjoy a complete sense of security in the faith and conviction that the future is safely in G-ds hands. “Walk with him simple-heartedly and look forward to what He has in store. Do not probe the future, but rather accept whatever happens to you-simple heartedly.” (Rashi)

Another time the Bible uses the word. In the case of Jacob the Torah says, “Jacob was a man who was TOM”--“whose mouth speaks what is in his heart, and who is not skillful in deceiving others.”  (Rashi)

So we started by understanding the word TOMIM as perfect, then, as simple-hearted, and then, as not skillful at deceiving others!

This past week I submitted two comments to the Israeli Haaretz paper generally known as a liberal left wing paper. The articles were unabashedly to the left on both fronts, one on the conversion issue and one regarding the pursuit of peace in Israel, and I was challenging and offering another perspective.

Now we all know papers and their editorials do take up some kind of leanings to the right and or to the left. But I still thought that the newspapers themselves for the sake of appearing, fair and balanced journalistic and not personal viewpoints, marketing and pitching only one particular point of view, would appreciate the opportunity to feature an opposing challenging opinion.

I was wrong both times. They refused to publish my comments and in both cases published only those comments in support of the position being promoted in both articles. This allows the gullible and uninitiated to believe when reading these “news” articles that this is the current trend of thinking and this helps influence and convince more people to their forlorn conclusions.

These media outlets would never consider calling themselves officially “the voice of the right or the left” because they do want to give the impression that they are a fair and honest media outfit, at the very least to some minimum standard, presenting the news, for you, to make up your mind.

The Torah tells us when G-d made the world, in Hebrew the word for world, means concealment. G-d intentionally concealed the truth, so that we pierce the superficial veneer and discover truth – the signature of G-d Himself - Truth. “This world is a world of falsehood.” Politicians, marketers, salespeople, advertisements etc. Lots of neon flashing lights and lots of promises offering fun and a good time.

The only problem with false promises and neon lights that look exciting but offer nothing else underneath is that eventually as time passes, either we spent our time with positive worthwhile and constructive things or the opposite. Sooner or later we all reap the fruits of our choices.

This is the connection to all three words above.  They are all related in a circular loop.

Someone not able to deceive, who speaks his heart, isn’t complicated, and is perfect. In the eyes of G-d, a righteous person, worthy of being saved, and as a result the ones who save the world, are perfect because they don’t deceive, they realize the future is always only in G-ds hands, therefore there is no need for twisted convoluted fears or stories and proceed simple hearted with G-d, their G-d.

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