Knowledge is power. G-dly Knowledge is Super Power.

Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneersohn (1860–1920) the fifth Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe, was once travelling by horse and buggy. After some time, they stopped by a well and the chariot man let the horses drink some water. After a short break, the chariot man took out his whip and as if speaking to the horses said. “You think I gave you guys water so the straw and hay could taste better to your palates? Absolutely not. I brought you to the well to drink, so you would have more strength and motivation to pull the buggy. So now, giddy up….”

The Rabbi hearing all this, became serious and said the following to his students sitting with him.

“The world has a purpose, and is being directed and driven by G-d Himself, this is the G-dly Chariot. In order that we should be able to pull this chariot as partners with G-d to its G-dly and spiritual intended destination, G-d provides us with our physical needs. However, we must always remember, the essential thing in life, is not our possessions of straw and hay, but carrying out our purpose, which is to pull the chariot.”

The Rebbe added.” In order for the horse not to get carried away with its drinking and eating, every once in while the horses get whipped. For us humans, it should be enough a hint, or once in a while a reminder from a good friend.”

Rosh Hashanah, September 14, 15, 2015 are the days G-d decides the fate of the entire world. This is the day; 5776 years ago, man and woman were created and were judged for not listening to G-d. On the first day of creation, only after a few hours in the Garden of Eden, they were already transgressing G-ds will.

G-d said. “Just as you were judged and were granted grace on this day, the same will be for all future time. This day will be reserved for Judgement and grace.” Yom Kippur, the day of atonement is on September 23, 2015.

The most powerful and important act on this day, in addition to prayers, is listening to the sounds of the shofar from a person who knows how and what he is doing. King David writes in his book of Psalms. “Praiseworthy is the people who know the sounds of the shofar, in the light of Your countenance they go.”

Why, and what makes the sounds of the shofar so potent? Well, for one thing, it’s because G-d commands us so in the Bible. “Let them say before me verses of kingship, so I will bring their needs before me, through the sounds of the Shofar.” Everything happens on this very serious and critical day of Judgement, because of, and through, the sounds of the Shofar!!

When G-d made all of creation, it was with the power of His words and commands He made everything in the universe. When it came to making the human existence, the Bible tells us, G-d formed the human body from the earth on the ground, and then, G-d blew from deep down inside Himself, into the nostrils of this form, the breath of life.

Unlike everything else in creation, the great Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (1534 – 1572) teaches, humans are not bodies with the occasional spiritual experience. The life and identity of humans, are essentially the G-dly breath inside of us, experiencing life through the physical and corporeal body.

In order to blow the shofar, we must go deep inside to exhale enough air that will create the simple, and long enough, pure sounds, that come out of the shofar.

On this day, the beginning of a fresh New Year, we meditate on the two layers of our existence. The outer that desires immediate physical pleasures and the inner deeper dimension that is simple and pure, uncomplicated and humble.

On this day of Judgement we reflect on the purpose of our existence.

Are we waiting for the chariot man to remind us not to tarry too long at the wells of self-gratification? By listening intently, and “knowing” the sounds of the shofar, we evoke the memory that we are essentially spiritual G-dly souls with a mission mandated by the creator of the Universe to uncover the G-dliness and spirituality all around us.

The shofar is the call to reach deep inside, and discover the pure spark of G-d. To cut through all the distractions on the outside that make so much noise and remember, “May everything that has been made know that you have made it, everything that has been created understand that you created it, and everyone who has breath of life in his nostrils declare that the Lord G-d of Israel is King and His Kingship has dominion over all.”.

Happy Sweet New Year.