We read in the Bible, when the Israelites where in the desert and had no food, G-d made it rain a kind of Angelic sustenance for everyone (Manna), that tasted like anything they could imagine.

It was called “bread”, “biscuits”, and the description, “they ground it” was linked with this food. The Talmud explains: For the righteous it was bread, for the intermediates it was only like biscuits, and for the wicked, it required grinding.

And/or alternatively; For the righteous it fell at their doorsteps, for the intermediates, they needed to go out and fetch it, and for the wicked even more effort was necessary, they had to grind it.

Everything in this universe, always has a reason and purpose. “G-d did not create even one matter for no reason.” The Bible tells us, “Behold I will make it rain bread from heaven…to test (the people) will they follow my instruction or not.”

The people were commanded not to take more than what they needed to feed themselves for the day (or it would become rotten), and not to gather on the day of Sabbath. Friday would offer a double portion and provide for the needs of Sabbath. The manna was a test in faith, and the results from heaven to each one’s household, were a direct consequence of the degree in faith and trust, each one actually experienced and demonstrated.

The Talmud learns from these words of the Bible and from this story, “whoever has food to eat today, and says, what will I eat tomorrow, he is from the small - little believers!”

The Holy Baal Shem Tov (1698 – 1760) would make sure every day, down to the last penny, everything would be given away, for the bills at hand and charity. Tomorrow; G-d would provide.

Rabbi Zushe of Hanipol (1718 – 1800) had a custom every day after morning prayers to look out the window and thank G-d in complete faith and trust for the provisions he would provide for the day, and his assistant would use that as a cue to bring breakfast.

The assistant thought. Who is the Rabbi kidding? He thanks G-d for providing, and it is I who brings him the food. I will not bring him any food one day, and let him see where his faith and trust in G-d will take him……

The day set aside for the grand “test” came. On that same day, earlier in the morning, someone new to town decided to play a prank on an old man walking to synagogue, and made him fall in the muddy water. When this fellow was told who he had so maliciously disgraced, none other than the pious Tzadik Rabbi Zushe, he didn’t know how to atone for himself. He approached the innkeeper where he was staying and shared with him this most embarrassing story.

“Don’t worry” said the innkeeper. Rabbi Zushe is so humble and pious he will certainly forgive you if you only ask. Go to the market and purchase a basket of fruit and present it to Rabbi Zushe as a gift, when he finishes his prayers usually late in the day, and he will certainly forgive you. Just at the moment that Rabbi Zushe completed his morning routine, and the assistant was waiting to see the results of his test, in walks the tourist!!!

Rabbi Simcha Bunim Bonhart of Peshischa (Przysucha, in Poland) (1765–1827) was one of the key leaders of Hasidic Judaism in Poland, he said, “when someone doesn’t have a livelihood it is clear to me what he (truly) lives on – his faith and trust in G-d. However, someone who has all that he needs – (and isn’t forced into exercising and living with his faith and trust in G-d) what is HE, (spiritually) living on?”

This tremendously powerful and deep connection with G-d, can only be experienced when a person sees absolutely no solution in the ways of nature and he still believes, leans and depends on the infinite powers and possibilities of G-d. When a person has his/her hope in even nothing more than a toothpick, his connection and faith is incomplete.

Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchok of Lubavitch said. “Trust (in G-d) is strengthened through joy and happiness.”