Friday, July 8, 2016

The science of a G-dly, Holy Man, & the virtue of humility.

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 Knowledge is Power - G-dly Knowledge is Super Power.

Once, a simple Jew came to see Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson (1902 -1994) the Lubavitcher Rebbe and asked him. “I just don’t understand. If a person should encounter and experience a calamity or hardship in their life, (as the Torah makes abundantly clear) this is some form of punishment from heaven for an inadequacy in one’s deeds. If so, how does the Rebbe offer a blessing and many times the difficulty is eliminated or even transformed to good results? First and foremost, shouldn’t the individual improve his/her behavior?

The Rebbe responded.

“When someone tells me their problems, the pain in their heart, I identify with and empathize with the soul before me to such a degree, that the others persons’ pain and circumstances, becomes my pain and agony.

Now, I didn’t do the deed that brought upon that individual his sufferings. In heaven, they never intended that I suffer for what the other person did. So in order that I not suffer for something I didn’t do, the hardships being experienced by the other person is eliminated.”

The great codifier of Jewish law the Rambam, Maimonides in his 13 principles that define Judaism says; Principle #6, The belief that Gd communicates with man through prophecy, and principle # 7. The belief in the primacy of the prophecy of Moses our teacher.

In every generation there is a leader through whom G-d communicates with the world. In the times of Moses, the Torah says, when anyone desired to connect with G-d, they would go to the tent of Moses. “And I stood between G-d and you to bring you the word of G-d.”

When describing the greatest virtue and quality in the G-dliness and leadership of Moses, the Bible says, “and this man Moses was an exceedingly humble person, even from anyone else on the face of this earth.”

Certainly Moses had many more and many other qualities and virtues and yet, the one G-d in the Bible decided to point out was his humility. It stands to reason that this quality is what defined Moses most comprehensively and most deeply.

Rabbi Shnuer Zalman of Liadi (1745 – 1812) explains; A humble person does not see himself as a lowly and inadequate being. Very much to the contrary. Because he is very truthful with himself, because he excels in the pursuit and attainment of wisdom, he knows exactly what his outstanding strengths are. This person, is the last person who wants to live in a world of falsehood and illusion.

It is however, because he understands and realizes how utterly dependent he is on G-d for everything, since G-d is everywhere, and there is no place void of Him, and G-d is the cause and source of everything, he understands and further knows in his heart, the true source of his life as being completely and totally as, one nullified before G-d. He appreciates how little the credit is really due to himself and how all and any thanks for everything is due totally to the infinitely wise and gracious G-d.

A person of this sort, lives in his mind, completely attached to the reality of G-d. There is no sense of ego and self that could separate him from G-d or from another person. He sees in everyone the beauty of G-ds creation and the unique qualities that he himself, is lacking.

This powerful attitude and approach to life, is a true self-sacrifice for G-d.

Because of his total surrender and connection with G-dliness in genuineness, the Rebbe was able to predict the six-day war would end in victory for the Jewish people, the exact day when the Persian Gulf war would end, and that nothing would happen to the Jews in Israel at that frightening time. It is for this reason, because of the Rebbes attachment to G-d he was able to bless a woman with fifteen children when the Doctors said it was physically impossible for this woman to give birth to even one child.

The Torah says, “they believed in G-d and in Moses His servant”. The commentators explain, this verse compares the two. Trusting and having faith in the words of a shepherd in Israel, is equated with the trust and faith we must have in the One “who said, and the world came into being.”

Based on this understanding, Rabbi MM Schneerson taught, “Connection and attachment to the Moses in every generation, is the way to be focused and connected with, the one who said the world into being.”

This Saturday, July 9, 2016 is the day, 22 years ago the Rebbe left us his entire soul to connect with, by studying his teachings he left behind for us, and by putting into practice his instructions.

You also, have a chance to connect with the soul of this great leader, and benefit from his blessings and guidance, since the soul is forever. You can go to to learn more about this great G-dly man and benefit from his connection with G-d, his care and connection with every single one of G-ds wonderful creations, you and me.

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