Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Everyone has their own Demons (enemies) Don't be afraid......"He" gives u the strength.

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Knowledge is Power - G-dly Knowledge is SUPER POWER.

Deut. 20-8, “ And the officers shall continue to speak to the people and say, "What man is there who is fearful and fainthearted? Let him go and return to his house, that he should not cause the heart of his brothers to melt, as his heart."

Rashi – Rabbi Shlomo  Yitzchaki  (1040 -1105)  says,” we are talking about a soldier who is afraid of the sins he has done.” Since it is an accepted fact, that the Israelites were far less in numbers and in fighting expertise than all the lifelong warriors they needed to face off, their only chance of winning in war, is the blessings of G-d.  Some knew very well they didn’t deserve these extraordinary blessings and were justifiably afraid to enter battle.

Rabbi Dovid Morgenstern of Kotzk  (1809 – 1873) explained this a little deeper, and answered a self-asked question. So, why couldn’t the soldier ask G-d for forgiveness, and he will surely be forgiven?  The Torah tells us, that at any time a person asks G-d sincerely for forgiveness, it is granted. And he clarified;

If a soldier went to war, consumed by the thoughts of his shortcoming, and feeling guilty and unworthy, he wouldn’t be in the ideal frame of mind or in the right emotional state of joy and trust in G-d to ask with a full heart for repentance, and was therefore not suited for war.

Rabbi Avraham Mordechai of Gur (1866 – 1948) takes this even further, and says that this above mentioned problem of not being able to completely and fully repent has an even worse dimension to it.

 If a soldier went to war and would be preoccupied by all kinds of worries, and was unable to detach himself entirely from his regular life, so he could focus entirely to the task at hand, if an arrow should hit him and he would die with all these thoughts racing through his mind, without the chance to ask G-d for forgiveness with a full heart, “there is nothing worse, than a person who passes on to the other world, and didn’t take advantage of the opportunity in this world, and in this lifetime, to ask G-d - ONE LAST TIME - for forgiveness.”

It is this possibility and its eternal affect on the person’s soul that we are so concerned about, even more than the compromise in his fighting abilities.

G-d grants life to each of us for the purpose of fulfilling a G-dly task. To be “His” soldier, to repair this world and help bring it under the influence of G-dliness and spirituality. This is true in our own personal lives, and regarding our responsibility to the world around us. In this mission we face many enemies and road blocks.

Maimonides – Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon (1138-1204) says the following.

……To whom does the phrase 'Is there a man who is afraid or faint-hearted refer to? The phrase should be interpreted simply, as applying to a person whose heart is not brave enough to stand in the throes of battle.

Once a soldier enters the throes of battle, he should rely on “the Hope of Israel and their Savior” in times of need. He should realize that he is fighting for the sake of the oneness of G-d's Name. Therefore, he should place his soul in his hand and not show fright or fear.

He should not worry about his wife or children. On the contrary, he should wipe their memory from his heart, removing all thoughts from his mind except the war.

Anyone who begins to feel anxious and worry in the midst of battle to the point where he frightens himself, violates a negative commandment, as it is written (Deuteronomy 20:3): 'Do not be faint-hearted. Do not be afraid. Do not panic and do not break ranks before them.'

Furthermore, he is responsible for the blood of the entire Jewish nation. If he is not valiant, if he does not wage war with all his heart and soul, it is considered as if he shed the blood of the entire people, as ibid. 20:8 states: 'Let him go home, lest he demoralize the hearts of his brethren like his own……

 In contrast, anyone who fights with his entire heart, without fear, with the intention of sanctifying G-d's name alone, can be assured that he will find no harm, nor will bad overtake him. He will be granted a proper family in Israel and gather merit for himself and his children forever. He will also merit eternal life in the world to come as I Samuel 25:28-29 states: 'G-d will certainly make my lord a faithful house, for my lord fights the wars of G-d and evil will not be found with you... and my lord's soul will be bound in a bond of life with G-d.'

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