Friday, December 9, 2016

Jacobs Dream. The power to bring the miraculous into our down to earth daily lives.

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Knowledge is Power -- G-dly Knowledge is SUPER Power.

Jacob left Beer Sheba and set out for Charan. When he arrived, he realized that he had unwittingly passed Mount Moriah (the future home of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem), where his father and grandfather had prayed, without praying there himself. In order to rectify this apparent affront to his forebears' conduct, he turned around and retraced his steps in the direction of Mount Moriah.
G-d made the sun set early and Jacob prayed to G-d and spent the night there.
To protect himself from wild animals, Jacob took some of the stones of that place and placed them around his body and head. G-d miraculously transformed them into one stone. Jacob had a dream: He beheld a ladder standing firmly on the ground and sloping diagonally upward, its top reaching up toward heaven: its base rested in Beer Sheba and its top was above Beth El.
Upon it, behold, the angels of G-d who had accompanied him on his trip thus far, were ascending back toward heaven, for they were not permitted to leave the Land of Israel, and other angels, who were designated to accompany him while he was outside the Land of Israel, were descending.
And behold; G-d was standing over him, to guard him during his sojourn in Charan. He said: "I am G-d,
G-d of Abraham your forebear, and G-d of Isaac. I will give the land upon which you are lying to you and your descendants. Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust of the earth, and you shall spread out powerfully to the west, to the east, to the north, and to the south, and all the families on earth will be blessed through you and through your descendants.
You do not need to fear Esau or Laban, for I am with you. I will protect you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land, for I will not neglect you until I have fulfilled what I have promised Abraham concerning you.”
Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "G-d (Y H V H) is truly present in this place, yet I was not aware of it.” He became afraid, and said. "How awesome is this place! This is none other than Mount Moriah, the future site of the House of G-d (ELOKIM),and thus, this is the gateway through which prayer ascends to heaven”, passing through the heavenly Temple, which is figuratively situated 'above' the site of the physical Temple.
Why Did Jacob describe the place as one where G-d (YUD Hai VOV Hai) was present, AND then call the place, the future home of G-d (ELOKIM), using two different names for G-d?
The name for G-d, Elokim, is the name used when G-d created the world. “In the beginning, Elokim created….. “The measured, finite characteristics of nature, is the product of Elokim which conceals G-dliness. The predicted patterns of nature fool a person into thinking, life is guaranteed once it’s all figured out.
Today, because of science more and more people foolishly feel a lack in the need for faith in G-d, since science and the study of nature have all the answers.
Miracles, expressed by the name (Y H V H) shatter the myth that Doctors or financial gurus have all the answers. The out of the norm occurrences that no one expected, openly display the constant control and influence G-d retains over nature and all that is in the world.
G-d in truth, is not limited to either the patterns of science and nature, or when He desires to change course, He doesn’t necessarily have to split the red sea, or create a totally unnatural phenomenon.

A higher and more powerful G-dly act, is when G-d does an unexpected act, a miraculous occurrence, within the boundaries of nature.
 All of a sudden, circumstances change as they do often and the situation miraculously and unexpectedly changes for the good.
This last mode of behavior, was the normal, regular, miraculous, daily routine that took place in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, that Jacob was experiencing that night in his dream.
While everything in the Temple was measured, and made of a specific material, they behaved in totally unnatural ways. Ribbons would turn colors on their own on Yom Kippur, smoke would always go up to heaven like a pillar notwithstanding the winds. Hundreds of thousands of people would comfortably fit in the lobby of the Temple and so on.
On that miraculous night when the sun set early (unexpectedly), Jacob who was sleeping on this holy & G-dly place, saw and experienced the great miraculous powers of G-d (Yud Hai VOV Hai) and knew so, as it manifested itself within his dream and the nature of the land he was on. The two forces of G-d became ONE.
Everyone can access the spiritual powers and super natural blessings of G-d in the study of Torah, and on the very other extreme, we all have an obligation to acknowledge the physical world of nature around us.
Jacob, as the father of all twelve tribes, the entire nation of the Israelites, was setting the tone and giving each one of us the power and possibility to absorb, welcome and merge, the awareness and energy of the miraculous infinite G-dliness (Y H V H) in our world and lives, by doing G-ds commandments in this physical materialistic world, so MIRACLES would be within the natural framework of our regular everyday mundane lives.Share

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