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Knowledge is Power. G-dly Knowledge is SUPER POWER.
Our sages teach, “Tzadikim (righteous people) are greater when they are dead than when they are alive.” (Chulin 7; 2)
A Tzadik is someone who refined all areas of his life to such a point that there is no coarseness that would block the spiritual shine of G-dliness from his soul, to his consciousness and in his physical existence. When a Tzadik talks, you are receiving pure G-dliness.
The Talmud teaches, “Whoever has an ill person in his home he should go to a Torah scholar and request a blessing for mercy.” (BB 116)
Everyone, man or woman, has the power of blessing, because everyone has a spark of G-d within himself or herself. When someone blesses another, they are literally sending a positive energy of and from themselves, in the way of that blessing to the ones being blessed.
In addition, there is the time in which a blessing is said, i.e. on Shabbat and before Yom Kippur. There are days and moments that blessings have the assistance of reaching their mark more effectively because of the special qualities in that moment.
There is also, who might be responding Amen to the blessing which further strengthens and confirms the blessing and positive energy generated by the one making the blessing. There are times that a good Angel is listening and he might answer Amen (pretty powerful). That is why we are told, “Never take anyone’s blessings lightly”, because it is not just who is blessing but there is also the time, the place, and the other one answering Amen. They all play an important role in the success of the blessings outcome.
A person who studies G-ds wisdom, The Torah, and performs G-d commandments has absorbed much more of G-dly energy within themselves and has refined their body to a tremendous degree. Our sages teach us, “a Tzadik (righteous person) decrees, and G-d (is forced to) fulfill.”
The Tzadik is a miniature G-d in this World, the highest expression of spirituality in this world. The Zohar says, “Who is the face of the master (G-d) in this world, it is Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.”
A true Tzadik is the embodiment in all ways, whether in character, mannerisms, behavior, and power, of G-d Himself. It’s no big deal when a Tzadik knows the future, or through his blessings a terminally ill person is miraculously cured. This is after all the power of G-d being channeled through this incredible elevated human being, and it knows no limits.
That is why traditionally and throughout history, people would go through much difficulty to receive the blessings of a Tzaddik.
Notwithstanding all that we just talked about, the Tzaddik is still finite, and limited by the constraints of his body and time. Once the Tzaddik however passes away and like everyone else, his soul ascends to the spiritual realms he is no more restricted by the confines of the worldly limitations, and still very much remains a Tzadik. He continues to look after his students and followers, and continues to bless them, but now, everything is on a much more expansive level and possibility.
“Even someone who did not know the Tzadik while he was alive in this world, but only studies, benefits and enjoys his teachings and is strengthened in his service to G-d, this too is called his student. Since he is influenced and impacted by the Tzadik and puts his faith in the Tzadik, this branch becomes connected and an extension of and from the root.” (Book of Hishtatchus)
After the Likutei Torah of Rabbi Shneur Zaman was printed, the Tzemach Tzedek said to one of the Chassidim, “ You have no idea whatsoever of the tremendous soul satisfaction you bring to the one being talked about and studied. The entire Palace and environment of the Tzadik in heaven shines and is illuminated in Joy and happiness. This act brings a (great) blessing to the one studying, for his children and grandchildren. “. (Letters of the Rebbe)
When a person very innocently and with a pure heart goes and visits the burial place of a Tzaddik he is able to connect on a very deep level with the Tzaddik. One very good moment, is every year, on the day the soul finished its journey on the face of this earth, and ascended to heaven. Every year on that date, the soul is strengthened to bless all those attached to him.
May we merit soon, “They will arise and sing, all those who lie in the earth’’.
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