Thursday, February 2, 2012

Think Good and it will be Good.

Faith, is the foundation and cornerstone to a healthy and solid life. I am not talking about a faith in oneself or a faith in nature. Let’s be reasonable. If statistics dictate that I have a greater chance to fail, then I’m not being reasonable and/or rational, if and when, I decide to nevertheless go ahead with the program, and have positive faith. Using my mind, I weigh the probabilities in either direction and come to a logical conclusion. I may hope; that good luck falls in my favor, but there is no faith over there.

What is the definition of faith and trust in G-d? “I have full faith and trust in G-d, that it will all work out for the best.” What does that mean?

Rabbi Bechaye writes in DUTIES OF THE HEART, that trust in G-d is a complete peace of mind, a condition, in which a person is completely calm, knowing that he can rely on G-d and trust in Him, that it will all be good.

When a person contemplates, how G-d made the world and all that’s in it. Created him, loves him, cares for him, and certainly fills all his needs, and G-d knows what is best for him; when he considers, how G-d alone keeps an eye, always, on his life, and does good, even to those who are undeserving; - he will then be overtaken by this immense feeling of full trust – Bitachon in G-d.

“I am in the best of good hands, all the time.”

Such faith and trust can be found, only in G-d, who created heaven and earth and is always the basis for every moment in this world.

When a person places his full trust in G-d, feeling fully at ease with complete trust in G-d, this outlook and mind-set, is enough to merit G-ds salvation.

This is true even for someone who is seemingly undeserving of G-ds blessings, at this moment. For, this effort of worship, trust in G-d, putting himself in G-ds care, in itself, gives him the merit to be helped.

When the revered Michoel Beliner was still a young man, his son fell deathly ill. Michoel went to the local house of study and shared his bitter news with his colleagues. Doing their best to encourage him, they assured him, that G-d would surely have mercy, and advised him to travel immediately to the Grand Rabbi the Tzemach Tzedek for a blessing. Michoel began to weep, saying, that he would like to go, but the doctors said that it was only a matter of hours, so why should he set out on the road?

One of the older Chassidim berated him. He quoted from the Talmud, that one should never despair of being granted G-ds mercy, and added, that surely the good Angels created by going to the Grand Rabbi would succeed in having the Heavenly verdict postponed until he reached the Rabbi.

One of his friends, a tailor, offered to join Michoel on his trip, and together they set out on foot, here and there hitching a cheap wagon ride. Arriving at last in Lubavitch, Michoel was fortunate to be received by the Tzemach Tzedek immediately.

"When I entered the Rebbe's room” he later on related, “and handed him the request for my son, I thought to myself, 'Who knows what has meanwhile happened with him?...,' and I began to weep. The Rabbi read my note and said, 'Don't cry. You must have Bitachon – full trust in G-d, with a simple faith, that He will save your son. Tracht gut vet zien gut. (Think good and things will be good.) You will yet celebrate the bar-mitzvas of your grandsons!' "

Soon after, the boy recovered completely. From then on, whenever Michoel experienced difficulty, he would bring to mind the luminous face of the Rebbe as he spoke those words, and the situation would change for the better.

This is the meaning of the words, "Think good and things will be good."

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