Thursday, September 18, 2014

How to -- see your internal light.

One of the greatest gifts G-d grants us in the Bible, is the possibility to do Teshuvah – loosely translated as repentance. G-d grants the opportunity, to completely influence and totally turn around, retroactively, a past undesirable deed, even as one stands in the present moment.

Everyone has inside themselves a pure pristine piece of G-dly energy, we call, the soul. This is our real “me.” This soul animates the body, and while a person is alive, he/she receives and sends out communication through the body. Nevertheless, our sense of self, transcends and surpasses the body.

Over the course of time, having made some bad choices against the will of G-d, due to ignorance or done maliciously, this spark becomes covered with dirt, and its light, warmth, G-dly sensitivity and perception is dimmed and weakened. A person, even if they were to intentionally make every effort to harm this part of G-d inside, they could never do so, because it was placed in this world by G-d for a purpose, and no one has the power to defeat G-ds intention for this piece of, Himself.

The Talmud teaches, that redemption for the entire world, and of the individual, will come about through “Teshuvah.” The more accurate translation of the word – returning back to our pristine original state of being.

Ultimately everyone will reach their intended purpose and reason for being put in this world. G-d initiated everyone’s life to fulfill a certain purpose and therefore, it will and must happen No one can permanently get in the way of this. The big unanswered question is, when and how will that come about.

When that goal is reached, we call this “redemption” or as is known in Hebrew - Moshiach. No more struggles, no more testing. No more fights in the world and no more poverty and sickness etc. After having travelled through the dark tunnel, once the destination, endpoint and purpose is reached, there is a return back to the wholesomeness and goodness of the source. Infinite goodness.

The Talmud records a discussion between two sages Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua.

Rabbi Eliezer says to reach this endpoint, the redemption for the individual and the world – Teshuvah, repentance and an active effort to return back to this pure place within ourselves is necessary. If we do not make this effort to clean up our act, and our choices have negatively blemished our souls, it is not possible to return and restore the soul to the position of eternal bliss and euphoria.

Rabbi Yehoshua agrees, that to reach this special endpoint, Teshuvah – a human effort to improve oneself is necessary. However he says if people don’t do the work on their own, G-d will be forced to bring about extreme hardships, so people will be pushed into that direction. They will realize that they are so desperate and without any other possible alternative, they will be forced to consider G-d and spiritual values.

The great codifier of Jewish Law Maimonides opines like that of Rabbi Yehoshua. Everyone, will reach the finishing line says Maimonides, the BIG question is, whether it will be to the credit of the individual who will be rewarded for his efforts, or will it be forced upon us.

Maimonides further teaches, that the effort to once again connect with the core of our own being and that of the universe which is pure goodness and G-dliness isn’t as difficult as one might guess. The moment a person sincerely, and that’s the key word, honestly and sincerely,  decides to turn his focus towards the better path, he/she is no more looking at the dark, but already focused and connected to the light.

At that point, he/she is already receiving the fullness of good and blessings that Teshuvah – brings to a reinstated soul that has returned.

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