Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Re-connecting with the soul.

Everybody has inside themselves, a spark of warmth and life, from G-d.  A “candle of G-d, is the soul of the person.”

When G-d created the world, this Thursday September 25, 2014, exactly 5775 years ago, G-d made the human being different from any other creature.  While everything was created by the command of G-d, just like G-d and only G-d can create, in one fell swoop, the human existence was made in two stages.

First, G-d formed his body from the earth on the ground in the image of G-d, and then, G-d “blew in his nostril the soul (breath) of life”. The book of mysticism explains, “He who blows hard, blows from deep inside himself. “

Our real identity, the real “me” is this, deep piece from inside of G-d, that was inserted in our bodies to give the vessel, its’ life.
The bible helps us relate to the infinite G-d by telling us, “G-d your G-d is a consuming (intense and strong) fire.”

Fire is smothered and choked with water and dirt.

When we are born, a child radiates joy and optimism. It comes through so beautifully that everyone just wants to hug and kiss the child. Everything is pure. With time however, bad habits, bad choices, negative influences have a way of dimming and darkening the glitter and sparkle of the soul. As a person grown older many times they may feel like, or others may think about them, the soul inside has been extinguished and perhaps there is no more hope.

Our sages however tell us there is always hope. No matter how many floods and torrents of water and worry, or dirt and bad things, accumulated over the spark and light inside, like a flint immerged in water, the potential to re-ignite the flame always remains. Ultimately, no one can extinguish the mission each and every soul is uniquely mandated and commissioned to fulfill in his/her lifetime.  When the internal flame of G-d is re-ignited, clarity and confidence comes back. We know we are not alone, because we are connected to the Big flame up in heaven.

It could be felt in the air of the synagogue of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh of Rimanov, the awe and reverence for the judgment day of Rosh Hashanah. Just before the blessing over the wine, the great Rabbi said.” People think that returning back to the essential of core of purity inside oneself is a long and arduous process. That is not the case.

Teshuvah, getting back to the roots, putting the fire back on again, is the firm (that’s the key word) resolution, that a person takes upon themselves never to repeat what they have done up to this point.”

The one moment, a person makes the complete 180 degree turn away from looking in the wrong direction, not even peeking at the corner of their eye or mind at what was once their pursuit and enjoyment for the bad, and begins aspiring and looking in the right direction, they have already started the re-connection process.

During the ten days that begin with the New Year - Rosh Hashanah, and end with the day of Atonement  – Yom Kippur, Saturday October 4, 2014 the prophet says, “seek G-d when he could be found call Him when He is close.”

Prayer our sages tell us is a “ladder set firmly on the ground, with its head up in the heavens.” During these days, the prayer of each individual has the power of a quorum of people. This is the ideal time, with the power of prayer to find G-d and reach the heavens. May we all be blessed with the kindness and mercy that comes with this incredible connection.

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